[:en]15 October 2012 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates): In the presence of Chairperson of Dubai Healthcare City Authority Her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, wife of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai – the first overseas branch of the… Continue reading MOORFIELDS EYE HOSPITAL DUBAI MARKS FIVE SUCCESSFUL YEARS AND CONFIRMS LONG TERM COMMITMENT AS A PARTNER TO DUBAI HEALTHCARE CITY
Paediatric Strabismus
Facts A squint is a condition where your eyes look in different directions. One eye turns inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards while the other eye looks forwards. The medical name for a squint is strabismus. The misalignment of the eyes can be caused by different factors. It can be an early developmental problem where the… Continue reading Paediatric Strabismus
Lacrimal Probing in Children
The tear duct is a channel/passage which runs from a tiny opening in the medial lids through the bone to the inside of the nose, and drains the tears and mucus the eye produces. It should open just before or just after birth but sometimes remains blocked for a considerable time after that, causing watering… Continue reading Lacrimal Probing in Children
Keratoconus is a progressive thinning of the cornea. The cornea is the clear front window of the eye, which, along with the intra-ocular lens, focuses light on to the retina. The cornea normally is a smooth, round dome-shaped structure; however in keratoconus it becomes very thin and irregular and it starts to protrude from the… Continue reading Keratoconus
Intravitreal Injection
The macula is the central part of the retina at the back of the eye. It is responsible for fine vision (reading, writing, watching television, and recognising faces). Patients with diabetes may develop macular oedema (swelling of the retina) due to leaking of fluid from blood vessels. This causes the vision to become blurred. A… Continue reading Intravitreal Injection
A refractive condition of the eye in which vision is better for distant objects than for near objects. It can be called far sightedness or hypermetropia. Symptoms of Hypermetropia can include; blurred vision, asthenopia (eye strain), accommodative dysfunction, binocular dysfunction, amblyopia and strabismus. It results from the eyeball being smaller than average, causing images to… Continue reading Hypermetropia
High Precision Refractive Surgery
When you decide on an eye laser treatment, you expect the best possible results. The more fully developed the methods are, the better the outcome will be. The SCHWIND AMARIS 750S offers you the leading technology for your laser treatment – superior in all important aspects: Speed, precision, safety and comfort.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Introduction Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes and leads to high blood sugar, resulting in retinal disease, which can interfere with its ability to transmit images to the brain through the optic nerve. Blood vessels in the retina play an important role in supplying it with oxygen and nutrients, which keep it healthy and… Continue reading Diabetic Retinopathy
[:en]Blocked Tear Duct. The tear ducts start at the inner corner of the eye with two small holes in the corner of the eyelids. Each hole is known as a punctum, they lead into small tubes known as canaliculi, which in turn drains into the lacrinal sac. This lies between the corner of your eye… Continue reading Dacryocystorhinostomy
Amblyopia Therapy
What is Amblyopia? Lazy eye – the medical term is Amblyopia – is a common eye condition amongst younger children. It means that one eye is not developing properly and becomes ‘lazy’ because the brain is working harder with the good eye to compensate. The problem is that if the brain ignores the lazy eye,… Continue reading Amblyopia Therapy
[:en]An Ocularist makes and fits artificial eyes. Our aim at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai is to create a hand-crafted eye with a very natural look indistinguishable from the real eye. Made from acrylic, these artificial eyes are very strong, easy to maintain and are comfortable to wear. The Ocularist also provides a polishing and repair… Continue reading Ocularist
[:en]Patients who need further specialist treatments for their eyes go to an Ophthalmologist. An Ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specialises in the medical and surgical care of the eyes, visual system and in the prevention of eye diseases and injuries. They provide the full range of care including routine eye examinations, diagnosis and treatment… Continue reading Ophthalmologist