[:en]Where good vision cannot be achieved with spectacles or contact lenses, patients can be assessed in our low vision clinic. During a low vision assessment, one of our optometrists will perform an examination to identify any refractive errors (problems with focusing) and demonstrate low vision devices such as specialist spectacles, magnifiers or telescopes that could… Continue reading Low Vision Aids
Paediatric Cataract
[:en]Our paediatric team can manage complex congenital cataracts. The management of congenital cataract is very different to the treatment of a routine age-related cataract. In adults, surgery may be delayed for years without affecting the visual outcome. In infants, if the cataract is not removed during the first year of life, the vision will never… Continue reading Paediatric Cataract
Anti-angiogenic (anti-VEGF) drugs
[:en]This treatment involves having an injection into your eye to treat certain retinal conditions that cause abnormal blood vessels to grow and leak under the retina. Patients with these conditions can lose central vision when abnormal blood vessels bleed under the retina at the back of the eye. A series of injections of anti-VEGF medicines… Continue reading Anti-angiogenic (anti-VEGF) drugs
[:en]This is an operation to form a new tear drain between your eye and nose when there has been a blockage. If the normal drainage passage gets blocked or narrow, you might get a watery eye or repeated eye infections. During DCR, your tear drainage passages are opened so that the tears can drain into… Continue reading Dacrocystorhinostomy
[:en]Having a cataract is a bit like having a dirty windscreen on a car. It can make the view cloudy or foggy or sometimes blurry. It can also cause glare from bright lights, sunshine, and on-coming headlights while driving. When these problems make your normal daily activities difficult, it is time consider the cataract operation.… Continue reading Cataract
Our 200 Years Heritage
At the beginning of the 19th century, ophthalmology was an unknown science. That all changed in the early 1800s as many soldiers returned from the Napoleonic wars suffering with trachoma. With the epidemic as an impetus, and coupled with the encouragement of the influential London surgeon Astley Cooper, John Cunningham Saunders founded the first hospital… Continue reading Our 200 Years Heritage