By: Dr. Luisa M. Sastre, Specialist Ophthalmologist in Medical Retina and Cataract Surgery Sudden fluctuations in eyesight including blurred vision, double vision, and the appearance of floaters in the eye could go unnoticed as people maneuver complicated and unpredictable lifestyles. However, these minor ailments could be a sign of a more serious underlying disease. These… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Diabetic Retinopathy

Expert Consultant Ophthalmologist, Dr. Miguel Morcillo, from Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai Restores Vision for 50 Patients during Panama Medical Expedition Dr. Miguel Morcillo, a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai attended a philanthropic trip to Panama early February, 2020, to provide eye care to those suffering from cataracts, a common eye condition characterised by… Continue reading Dubai Doctor Performs Life-Changing Eye Surgeries in Panama

Man rubbing his eye due to dry eye

Ophthalmologists at Moorfields warn that the impact of persistent levels of high stress on vision is often overlooked by physicians. 20 December 2019, Dubai, UAE Specialists at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai have called for greater awareness of the link between persistent levels of psychological stress and vision problems. When individuals feel anxious or scared, the… Continue reading Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai Links Chronic Stress to Loss of Vision

The experts at Moorfields reveal the most common eye injuries and how to avoid them 29 October 2019, Dubai: The medical professionals at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai have revealed some of the most common eye injuries across the UAE. Topping the list is poking of the eye, which is one of the most common causes… Continue reading The Most Common Eye Injuries Explained by The Experts at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai

On World Sight Day (Oct 10th), medical professionals at Moorfields explain how care, support and treatment can help visually impaired or blind people lead full and independent lives 9 October 2019, Dubai: Visually impaired or blind people can live full, active and, most importantly, independent lives if they have access to the right treatment, care… Continue reading Lack Of Vision Does Not Mean Lack Of Independence, Advise Experts At Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai

15 September 2019, Dubai: Colour blindness is one of the most misunderstood and ignored eye conditions, which can have a huge impact on a person’s life. From making even the simple act of choosing in-season fruits and vegetables, shopping for clothes or crossing the street at traffic light, colour blindness can be a dominant factor… Continue reading Doctors At Moorfields Eye Hospital Aim To Dispell Misconceptions Surrouding Colour Blindness

August, 21 2019, Dubai: Summer in the UAE is synonymous with dust, harsh sunlight, excessive outdoor heat, which present challenges and cause a rise in eye infections and diseases, eye specialists at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai warn. Summer weather can pose several potential hazards to your vision including eye sunburn and dry eyes, which are… Continue reading Doctors At Moorfields Eye Hospital Recommend Effective Preventive Measures To Protect Eyes And Vision During Summer

14 August 2019, Dubai – United Arab Emirates: A doctor from one of UAE’s leading private eye care hospitals helped correct and improve the vision of dozens of patients with difficult access to healthcare in India during a recent visit to the country. Dr Luisa Sastre, cataract surgeon and specialist ophthalmologist in medical retina at… Continue reading Moorfields Eye Hospital’s Dr. Luisa Sastre Treats Cataract Sufferers During Trip To India

1 August 2019, Dubai – United Arab Emirates: Shadi Z credits the care, attention and expertise of doctors at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai with helping him to cope with the shock of being diagnosed with a potentially vision and life-threatening condition. The 43-year-old from Jordan visited the specialist eye hospital after suffering from weak vision… Continue reading Caring Bedside Manner And Attention Of Doctors At Moorfields Eye Hospital Praised By Patient Treated For Vision And Life-Threatening Tumor

15 July 2019, Dubai – United Arab Emirates: From managing our weight, fighting diseases, to giving us the energy we need to work or study each day, there are many well-known benefits to a healthy and balanced diet. Making the correct choices when it comes to what you eat each day can also play a… Continue reading Don’t Run Risk Of Damaging Your Vision With Poor Food Choices, Doctors At Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai Warn

Dubai, 23 June 2019: Nystagmus is a relatively unheard of, but complex eye condition. With Nystagmus Awareness Day (20 June) just around the corner, there is no better time to learn about the visual impairment, which causes involuntary eye movements, and affects 1:1000 people. Flickering from side to side or from up and down, nystagmus… Continue reading مستشفى مورفيلدز للعيون يلقي الضوء على مرض “رأرأة العين” أو متلازمة “العيون الراقصة”

Dubai, 23 June 2019: Nystagmus is a relatively unheard of, but complex eye condition. With Nystagmus Awareness Day (20 June) just around the corner, there is no better time to learn about the visual impairment, which causes involuntary eye movements, and affects 1:1000 people. Flickering from side to side or from up and down, nystagmus… Continue reading Moorfields Eye Hospital Emphasises The Importance Of Nystagmus Awareness Day

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