Corneal cross-linking

[:en]Corneal cross-linking (CXL) is a treatment for patients with keratoconus which can prevent their condition getting worse. CXL is successful in preventing the condition deteriorating in more than 90% of cases. After treatment, you will still need to wear spectacles or contact lenses. Keratoconus gets worse because the cornea weakens. CXL, also known as C3R,… Continue reading Corneal cross-linking


[:en]This is an operation to form a new tear drain between your eye and nose when there has been a blockage. If the normal drainage passage gets blocked or narrow, you might get a watery eye or repeated eye infections. During DCR, your tear drainage passages are opened so that the tears can drain into… Continue reading Dacrocystorhinostomy


[:en]Having a cataract is a bit like having a dirty windscreen on a car. It can make the view cloudy or foggy or sometimes blurry. It can also cause glare from bright lights, sunshine, and on-coming headlights while driving. When these problems make your normal daily activities difficult, it is time consider the cataract operation.… Continue reading Cataract

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