MD Consultant Ophthalmologist Specialist in Medical Retina Clinical Lead Aviation Medicine GCAA Approved Specialist Medical Examiner CASA Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist Dr. Paola Salvetti is an experienced ophthalmologist and retina specialist with substantial clinical and research experience in the diagnosis and treatment of retina diseases, gained in the USA, France and Italy. In addition, Dr Salvetti… Continue reading Dr. Paola Salvetti
Dr. Avinash Gurbaxani
MB BS, DOMS, FRCS (Ed) (Ophth) Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon in Uveitis and Medical Retinal Diseases and Cataract Surgery Chief of Retina Service, Moorfields UAE Associate Professor Of Ophthalmology (Adjunct) Dr. Gurbaxani specialises in the assessment and management of uveitis and inflammatory eye disease (uveitis, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases of the eye) as well as medical… Continue reading Dr. Avinash Gurbaxani
Squint Surgery In Children
This information aims to answer some of the questions you may have about squint surgery. The information does not cover everything as every patient and squint is different. Your surgeon will discuss your particular case with you. Please ask the clinical staff about anything you want to be made clear. What are the aims of… Continue reading Squint Surgery In Children
Squint Surgery in Adults
This information aims to answer some of the questions you may have about squint surgery. However, it does not cover everything as every patient and squint is different. Your surgeon will discuss your particular case with you. Please ask the clinical staff about anything you want to be made clear. What is the aim of… Continue reading Squint Surgery in Adults
Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a procedure used to reduce the pressure in the eye (also known as intra-ocular pressure). A laser beam is applied to the drainage channels, which helps to unclog them. This means the aqeous humour flows through the channels better, reducing the pressure in the eye. This is not a permanent… Continue reading Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty
Refractive Surgery
Most refractive errors can be corrected (or at least improved) by means of Refractive Surgery. This is a generic term, which comprises both Laser Refractive Surgery and correction by means of lens implants inside the eye. The latter is called Phakic intraocular lens (IOL) surgery. Most refractive errors can be corrected (or at least improved)… Continue reading Refractive Surgery
Presbyopia is a vision condition which makes it difficult to focus on close objects. During middle age, usually beginning in the 40s, people experience blurred vision at near points, such as when reading, sewing or working at the computer. Presbyopia is a natural part of the ageing process of the eye. It is not a… Continue reading Presbyopia
Posterior Vitreous Detachment
PVD is a common degenerative change, which affects one or both eyes in many people after middle age. It may present earlier in shortsighted patients or those who have sustained traumas to the eyes. Thickening of the jelly casts shadows on the retina and are seen as floating shapes. These black “floaters”in your vision move… Continue reading Posterior Vitreous Detachment
Post-Operative Instructions
Following Retinal Surgery on leaving the hospital you are advised to have a quiet evening at home and to avoid strenuous exercise. For General Anaesthetic patients, as above and: Do not drive a vehicle Do not make any crucial financial decision Do not eat heavy meals or drink alcohol for 24 hours after being discharged
Paediatric Strabismus
Facts A squint is a condition where your eyes look in different directions. One eye turns inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards while the other eye looks forwards. The medical name for a squint is strabismus. The misalignment of the eyes can be caused by different factors. It can be an early developmental problem where the… Continue reading Paediatric Strabismus
Myopia is a common refractive condition which causes individuals to be near-sighted: they see near objects clearly but distant objects are blurry. Myopia occurs when the cornea and lens focus the light in front of the retina instead of exactly on it. Symptoms of myopia include; difficulty seeing distant objects, squinting frequently, holding books or… Continue reading Myopia
Lacrimal Probing in Children
The tear duct is a channel/passage which runs from a tiny opening in the medial lids through the bone to the inside of the nose, and drains the tears and mucus the eye produces. It should open just before or just after birth but sometimes remains blocked for a considerable time after that, causing watering… Continue reading Lacrimal Probing in Children