Jan 17, 2016


[:en]Blocked Tear Duct. The tear ducts start at the inner corner of the eye with two small holes in the corner of the eyelids. Each hole is known as a punctum, they lead into small tubes known as canaliculi, which in turn drains into the lacrinal sac. This lies between the corner of your eye and your nose which has a duct at the bottom, which drains into your nose, which drains nasolacrimal duct. They continue into small channels that join up and reach the lacrimal sac, which leads into the nasolacrimal duct. The tear ducts do not have much spare capacity and this is why we cry. The channels tend to become narrower with age, especially if there has been nose or sinus disease. An obstruction of the tear ducts will give you a watery eye. Syringing of the lacrimal system with a blunt cannula will determine the type and the site of the blockage. Occasionally a special radiograph is necessary. Called a dacrocystogram, which visualizes the locrimal duct at the eye following the injection of an x-ray dye into the duct.
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Return to Educational Leaflets Homepage[:ar]الوقائع:

  • تنطلق الأقنية الدمعية من ثقبين صغيرين في الزاوية الداخلية للعينين ثم تنضم إلى الكيس الدمعي لتبلغ بعده القناة الأنفية الدمعية.
  • إنّ القنوات الدمعية قليلة السعة وهذا ما يجعلنا نبكي. كما أنها تضيق مع التقدم في السن.
  • خاصّة لدى الإصابة بإلتهاب الجيوب الأنفية.
  • يؤدي انسداد الأقنية الدمعية إلى تدمع العينين.
  • إن إدخال قُنَيّة (أنبوب) كليلة (غير حادة) إلى الجهاز الدمعي من شأنه تحديد موقع الإنسداد.
  • في بعض الحالات يتم اللجوء للتصوير الشعاعي الخاص.

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