Blurred vision is one of the most common eye problems amongst patients and very often leads patients to ask for advice. Blurred vision is caused by a wide range of eye conditions and can be a symptom of a number of serious and not-so-serious eye problems. Of course, vision changes with age and blurred vision… Continue reading Blurred Vision
Visual impairment
Some of the main causes of visual impairment today include: Cataracts Cataracts cloud the lens of the eye blocking light and resulting in a loss of vision clarity. They are very common and cause about 50% of blindness in the world, affecting 20 million people. The good news is that they are preventable and treatable.… Continue reading Visual impairment
Eye Infections
Eye infections can invade the eyeball or the area around it – they are generally microorganisms that can be harmful, including viruses, bacteria and fungi. Causes and Types of Eye Infections Conjunctivitis is a common infection usually caused by bacteria or virus; it’s very contagious and often affects children in schools or other places where… Continue reading Eye Infections
Moorfields launches unique Sense of Sight competition challenging UAE artists to celebrate the gift sight, in 3D
October 13th Marks World Sight Day 2016 Moorfields launches unique Sense of Sight competition challenging UAE artists to celebrate the gift sight, in 3D 80% of vision related problems are manageable through early detection To mark World Sight Day 2016 in October, Moorfields Eye Hospital Centre Abu Dhabi and Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai have launched… Continue reading Moorfields launches unique Sense of Sight competition challenging UAE artists to celebrate the gift sight, in 3D