Feb 15, 2016

Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai highlights the importance of screening and physical exercise in preventing and treating diabetes on World Diabetes Day

12 November 2015 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates): Eye experts at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai are stressing the need for regular screening and physical exercise to help prevent and treat the effects of diabetes, that include eye complications that can cause blindness, if left uncontrolled. Exercise offers bio-chemical benefits beyond weight loss, which is helpful in combating diabetes and other health problems, as it helps the body use insulin more effectively. Research has shown that regular physical activity helps to reduce the risk of a range of diseases and health conditions, including diabetes and improves the overall quality of life.
To mark World Diabetes Day 2015, Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai is supporting Dubai Healthcare City’s public health screening campaign to help educate the community about diabetes through consultations and health checks. A team of volunteers from the hospital will provide residents with a medical history review, intra-ocular pressure tests, visual acuity checks, and retinal imaging, using state-of-the-art technology that is available at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai. Moorfields expects to screen over 100 people during the event.
The DHCC Healthy living and Diabetes campaign is led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and its member associations. The event will take place on Saturday November 14th 2015, from 4pm to 8pm, in Burj Plaza in Downtown Boulevard, Dubai.
Speaking about public education and screening, Professor Robert Scott, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Medical Director at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai, said: “We know that vision loss is one of the most common and frightening complications of diabetes and prevention starts with regular eye examinations with good diabetic and blood pressure control, but physical exercise can also play an important role. Once diagnosed, families need to try and build a healthy lifestyle and environment that includes a good diet with plenty of exercise for all family members, in order to help the patient manage the condition.”
For example, regular strength training at least twice a week can help improve blood sugar control. This means lifting weights or working with resistance bands, or exercise moves like push-ups, lunges, and squats, which use your own body weight as resistance.
Professor Scott added: “Many people with diabetes have no symptoms until the eye disease is advanced; this is why screening is so important and why we strongly advise the community to have regular eye checks”. Regular eye screening should begin from an early age, regardless of whether there are vision symptoms or not.”
According to Moorfields, regular screening helps to diagnose the disease early and where vision has been lost, early simple medical treatment can help restore visual potential and prevent the requirement for more complex surgery later on.

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