
Presbyopia is a condition which makes it difficult to focus on close objects. With age, by the mid-forties, people experience blurred vision at close points, such as reading, sewing or working on a computer.
Presbyopia it is not a disease as it is a results of the natural ageing process of the eye and it cannot be prevented .

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  • Eyestrain or headaches after reading or doing close work.
  • Difficulty reading small print.
  • Needing to hold reading material farther away to make the letters clearer and easy to read

Presbyopia is caused by a hardening of the lens of the eye, which occurs with aging. As the lens becomes less flexible, it can no longer change shape to focus on close-up images. As a result, these images appear blurry.

Correction of presbyopia is commonly done through eyeglasses with bifocal or progressive addition lenses.
A variety of surgical solutions is also available to reduce or fully correct the need for spectacles for patients of any age.

Presbyopia Specialists

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