About Children’s Eye Health

Many parents will be familiar with the importance of immunisations, routine screenings such as hearing tests, weight, and growth charts for their children, not to mention dental health when the time arises, but what about their vision? Some eye conditions do not display any signs or symptoms, so the only way to know for sure is to take your child for a sight test. In cases where there is no perceived problem and no significant family history of squint, lazy eye or serious eye conditions in childhood, we recommend an annual eye examination from around 3-4yrs old. Once these children reach nine and upwards, generally we advise an eye examination every two years unless your Ophthalmologist has advised otherwise.
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If there are any concerns of the following, we recommend an eye examination at any age –

  • Squint (misalignment of the two eyes)
  • Difficulty in picking up small objects
  • Tendency to bump into things or being unusually clumsy
  • Lack of concentration
  • Red eyes or lids
  • Excessive tearing
  • Sitting too close to the television
  • Difficulty with hand-eye co-ordination
  • Rubs eye frequently
  • Encrusted eyelids
  • Many eye conditions, especially ‘lazy eyes’ can run in the family, so if someone in your family has either an eye turn (squint) or suffers from reduced vision in one or both eyes (amblyopia), it’s a good idea to take any related children for a sight test.

There is a common misconception that children’s eyes cannot be tested until they can read, however this is not the case. Orthoptists are specialists in testing vision in children and we have a variety of ways to test vision in all ages.  Although testing vision in very young children can never be completely accurate, we can get a very good idea if your child sees normally for their age. Additionally, our Optometrists and Paediatric Ophthalmologists are experienced in conducting glasses tests and full eye examinations in children of all ages respectively.

Depending on the findings of the eye examination, your Ophthalmologist will let you know how regularly your child needs to be followed up. Usually, if your child is given glasses for the first time they will be followed up by the Orthoptist, who are will assess the child’s progress with their glasses.

Children’s Eye Health Specialists

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