Moorfields Dubai hosts ‘World Association of Eye Hospitals’ board meeting

Moorfields Dubai hosts ‘World Association of Eye Hospitals’ board meeting and highlights the benefits of global collaboration in eye care 16 October 2018 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates): Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai, the first overseas branch of the world-renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital London, will host the 2018 board meeting of the World Association of Eye Hospitals… Continue reading Moorfields Dubai hosts ‘World Association of Eye Hospitals’ board meeting

Red Reflex Assessment

The red reflex test is a non-invasive test that can identify early warning signs of serious eye conditions in children, such as cataract (white water), glaucoma (blue water) and retinoblastoma (childhood eye cancer). Your paediatric ophthalmologist will perform a red reflex test using an ophthalmoscope; a magnifying instrument with a bright light. Preparation for the… Continue reading Red Reflex Assessment

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